The Process

1. We hunt down companies we already KNOW we can grow immediately.

"How can you help immediately?"


Only 1 out of 30 businesses can use our methods to gain near immediate growth.

In 2003, Google patented their fundamental algorithm, which involved hundreds of "rules". These rules determine which websites show up higher than another.

Two of these rules were the EMD (exact match domain) and PMD (partial match domain). Outside of a small adjustment to these two rules in 2012, they remain a mostly unknown or misunderstood ranking factor to this day.  


2. We call you?

"Why are you calling us?"

Simply put, there's no other way.  We try to reach everyone first with email, but since our offer is normally confused with web development or SEO, we call or stop by.                                        

3. We build a "Moat" of protection around your business.

We build three or four digital assets (not always websites) that do one of the following:

* Force competition down

* Help you reach Google Local bands 10 to 5,000 miles

* Shows Google bots what your company actually does

Often, these simply can't be done by SEO-ing your current website.